感谢各位的关注与支持, 你们引颈期盼的”出花园”成人礼终于回来了!!
由新加坡揭阳会馆主办的第五届 “出花园” 成人礼将于今年8月26日 (星期六) , 上午8时30分至下午2时30分在醉花林俱乐部举行。
想参加的青少年们 (虚岁15岁以上) 赶紧去以下链接提交报名表格哦! 我们等你
Thank you all for your attention and support. The ‘Coming of Age’ ceremony, which you have been eagerly anticipating, is finally back.
The 5th ‘Coming of Age’ ceremony, organized by the Singapore Kityang Huay Kwan, will be held on Saturday, 26th August this year from 8.30am to 2.30pm at Chui Huay Lim Club.
Teenagers (lunar calendar aged 15 years old and above) who would like to participate, please hurry and submit the registration form at the link below. We are excited to have you join us.